Data Monitoring

Data monitoring involves the continuous observation and analysis of information to ensure reliability and performance of systems. It enables real-time tracking, anomaly detection, and valuable insights, contributing to effective decision-making and the overall efficiency of operatio​​ns.

Take a look at one of our past project:

Solar Monitoring System

In a typical solar system, it consists of clusters of solar panels which are connected to multiple inverters. The inverters will convert the DC power to AC power, then AC power will be sent to the Singapore Power's power grid. It may also comes with irradian sensors, wind sensors, temperature sensors and energy meters. These data will be in a raw format.

Our Data Monitoring system will then gather the raw data and convert it into meaningful data before analysing it in Real-Time. Users wil be able to gain instant visibility of the current irradiance level, wind direction and speed, PV module temperature, ambient temperature, power generated and how much savings in dollars.

It could also issues Real-Time fault alarm via SMS or email for anomalies or critical thresholds. After the system runs for a while, it would analyze historical trends, patterns, and performance to monitor the system's efficiency and help with preventive maintenance.